| - So I workout a lot. I run, I do yoga, I box. You name it, I'll try it. That is, except for spinning. I haaaaaate spinning. Or I guess really I just hate stationary bikes. I despise them. Or at least so I thought. I only ever used to use stationary bikes when I was in college. I was by myself, listening to some barely audible radio station over the gym speakers, I was surrounded by bros and cardio bunnies, and I was facing a concrete wall. Needless to say it didn't exactly motivate me to keep going. I think the longest I had ever actually managed to stay on a bike was all of 5 minutes. Then I discovered Hingetown, and with that Harness. To this day I don't know what on earth motivated me to sign up for a class. Maybe it was the cool logo and sweet apparel, or maybe it was the infectious personalities that work there. Either way, they got me in the door.
I was a little nervous right before my first class... who am I kidding, I was really nervous. This was a level of cardio far beyond me, and I didn't want to look stupid. Thankfully the instructors and fellow patrons were so nice and accommodating. They walked me through setting my bike up, gave me a tour of the facility, and reassured me that I could do this. They were right.
Once the music started pumping I was instantly hooked. Sure, it was tough, but the encouragement and motivation I got from the instructor throughout the class kept me going. Before I knew it the 45 minute class was over. After that, I haven't missed a week. I typically go at 5:30am on wednesday and once either Saturday or Sunday if I can manage. I love it here. Every time I leave I feel empowered, and excited to start my day. Not to mention Harness is doing a lot for the community and bringing people together, and we all know I am a huge advocate for Cleveland.
So if you are hesitating on signing up for your first class, or maybe nervous you might look dumb: do it anyways. Whats can you lose other than a couple calories?