| - I just can't share in the experience of the 5 star reviews, but I recognize this office, staff, and dentist 'work' for many people. They also offer prizes for yelp reviews and openly solicit for reviews by asking people to write something and offering to send the link on the way out of the office. So that effort, disallowed by yelp guidelines, likely contributes to all of the high ratings.
The space itself is beautiful. Someone has spent a lot of money and time creating something different and it shows. It's not like a medical or dental office at all. They have many magazines and free hot/cold drinks. That's a very nice touch.
I had my teeth cleaned by one of the hygienists who was very competent and personable. That was my most positive experience in this office.
As a new patient, when you arrive, they give you a tour and a gift bag. While the thought is unique and very nice, the execution was lacking in that the staff member interviewing me was blankly smiling and nodding while flipping pages of the papers in front of her while she asked "Tell me about yourself?" It was clear she is just going through the motions and not listening. Also, there was nothing really useful in the gift bag except the sun shades but since they were advertising this practice, I didn't want to use them.
I feel that way about the front desk staff too. They are ruthlessly efficient and while they will acknowledge your arrival and call you by name, they hardly look your way and you are often left sitting in the waiting room upwards of 15 mins for your appointment. They are...friendly (?) but not necessarily personable or sincere. A general attitude of "I'm here but just blankly smiling and not really listening to you" seems to be pervasive among the staff. Unlike as mentioned in some of the other reviews, no one ever bothered to explain billing to me.
My main issues are with Dr. Goh. I think he tries very hard to meet his patient's needs and is probably staying up with research and innovative techniques. However, I find his interpersonal style to be completely off-putting. I find him to be condescending, difficult to understand, and he does not seem to listen. In my experience, if you try to tell him something about yourself (because, after all, YOU know yourself, your experiences and your history), he will tell you why you are wrong based on what research says or what he knows to be true. This has happened several times to me and it just puts me in the worst mood. I want to leave an office feeling good about the service and as though I've been heard and that just doesn't happen here. As a result, despite all the 5 star reviews, I will be looking elsewhere for my dental services.