Anything lower of rating i would but one is the lowest. I got in an accident and called. His whole commerical is over not being told to go through this person or another he deals with it right? "No hables con maria habla con eric palacios" . Came to find out that was a lie and pretty much just wasted my time ! Called in talked to one lady missed her name and then spoke to Frank and he said he would come to discuss the situation , next day got a call from Lucia and was told something else. That we were going to be picked up by someone to go see Frank. Then called to check what was going to happen and guess what? I was told we weren't even on the list to be seen ! Clearly everyone is on a different page and they need to get organized. I understand you advertise we'd speak to you but of coarse your busy and are only one person i get that but i would expect to get information from the people working there correctly and get something done instead of wasting peoples time. Will defiantly warn people NOT to go to eric palacios. His commerical is true you dont speak to maria , but you sure will speak to frank and lucia .