Upon entering...
"There is nothing wrong with your reality. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your reality. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to - The Oddfellows."
My initial reaction.. It looks like an underground sex-slaving business. Drinks at the front, questionably curtained off rooms down the hallway. Roofie them at the bar, then take 'em out back! Being a petite Asian female, I was starting to question my friend's intent. Am I getting drunk here or trafficked?
But what what?! Behind those black curtains are booths with Ouiji boards tacked onto the table. Twisted music videos playing on the TVs throws your mind into a psychedelic euphoria. It's like acid-tripping without the acid. Yeah, that's right, Don't do drugs kids! Craft cocktails are stiff enough here where that's all you'll ever need.
But wait! There's more!!! If you stay late enough, that bookshelf in the back corner opens up to a secret room. It's a HUGE 'nother area where there's a dance floor and another bar. Talk about awesome PDTs! I'm a total sucker for PDT spots!
This bar is definitely distinct with its own personality. The Please-Don't-Tell aspect of it just adds another extra oomph in my books.. or uh.. their books. Don't let the window view fool you. Inside is amazing. Also, Diego is cool! Find him, order him around, then tip him.