This place was excellent! We found it on accident; I had just vetoed a caf across the street when Friend A says, "What about that place?"(In hindsight I think he was joking) My boss and I go "ok". And off we went. I'll admit that it is not much to look at, but the food more than makes up for that.
When we walked in It was like everyone was just kinda hanging out, a nice lady it what looked like a pair of house slippers looked up from her conversation with a patron at the bar and told us to just sit wherever we wanted. About 30 seconds or so later someone appeared out of thin air and took our drink order. When we hesitated he began listing off all the drinks they had. I was about to settle when he said the magic word "kool-aid" and to top it off it was red flavored. We took a minute to peruse the menu it made my tummy happy just looking at it. They are one of two places that I have found that has grits that are worth a damn. Other items included fried okra, catfish, fried chicken, meatloaf, liver and onions, red snapper, chitterlings, and a host of other southern classic.
I had catfish Mac and cheese and yams. The yams were sweet and juicy but not soggy. The Mac and cheese had real cheese in it and the catfish was some of the best I have ever had. Friend L had the liver and onions and friend A had fried chicken. We never agree on anything when it comes to lunch but we agreed that this place was solid. A word of warning there is a 20 min delay on anything fried and you are going to be hard pressed to get out of here in a hour if you come for lunch. Other than that this place was great.