I stopped by here a couple of Saturdays ago with my wife and her parents for our morning coffee. Colony Cafe is on the Pittsburgh Coffee Passport which is why we happened to stop by on this day but if I am being honest, as a cat lover, I have had it bookmarked on Yelp for quite awhile. You see Colony Cafe is a place where you can get your coffee and play with cats! The Cafe is located downstairs while the cat area is upstairs. You need to register with the front desk to go and play with them and they only allow 10 people an hour. Unfortunately on the day that I was there they were already booked up for the day (you can register online) and so I didn't get to play with any cats. Still I could see a number of them as colony cafe has clear glass on the second floor so that cats can do what they do best, look down at you. Other than that they have a small area where some cat merchandise is for sale and then near the bathroom they have a wall full of black and white photos with pictures of celebrities with cats. For my coffee on this morning I decided to go with one of their specialties and so chose the lavender vanilla latte. Within a few minutes of ordering, my wife and I had our lattes and we headed over to some seats to drink them. The latte ended up being pretty good even if I would have been hard pressed to tell you there was coffee in it. You see it was a little sweet and had some vanilla tones to it. Then every once in a while I would pick up some lavender notes from it as well which was nice. So overall it was a drink that I enjoyed, I merely wish it had some more coffee flavor to it.
The bottom line for me is that I would head back here again in the future. I love the idea of coffee and cats and hopefully next time I am actually able to visit the cats!