I'm stunned by the only other review of NCA and frankly question the writers motivation. I'm not interested in a public back and forth on a social media platform but if you have any doubts as to the veracity of my comments, please PM me for further details.
That said, my son is enrolled at NCA and they do a tremendous job. My wife and I looked at virtually every other place out there and after very careful consideration chose NCA. Are they more expensive than some other options? Yes. Do I think we get the value we pay for? Absolutely yes... and then some. As a business owner myself, I see, understand and fully respect the time and effort the owners of NCA put into what they do and the resultant pride they have in their facility. Do they make a profit? I hope so. That's what a business is supposed to do. That's what keeps businesses IN business.
The concept of a good diet was of critical importance to me. I overcame extreme obesity and wanted to be sure my son learned good eating habits from day one. The comments about the food not being what NCA advertises are simply and unequivocally false. If you have even a moments doubt about this, take a tour of their kitchen yourself. The ownership will not only let you, they encourage it. You'll find that everything is in fact organic from direct vendors or from their own garden. Whole Foods and Sprouts are not the only sources of organic food in the valley.
No preschool is perfect. You can't predict how small children are going to interact all of the time and you can't, no matter how diligent you may try, eliminate hiring staff that sometimes just does not work out. What you can do is always be responsive to your clients needs and be willing to hear their concerns. The team at NCA does that on a daily basis.
If you're impressed by shinny, gargantuan facilities built by national chains then NCA is not the place for you. If you're looking for a place where everything comes from the POV of what's best for your children, look no further; Allyson and Genna have what you're looking for.