This church is all about money. I work across the street so I run in to a lot of the guys that work at CCV, not only does the church service lack connection to me but even in person they lack realness. They are probably the most entitled people you will ever meet which is a bit upsetting. They ask to donate money to help the church in events and what not but yet are not so giving outside of the church and don't help as much as they should.
This church has grown a lot, which should be a good thing, but I have to admit I used to love the church when it was small and not well known, but now it's just a big popularity contest and all about getting money to do who knows what. I think the popularity has all gone to their heads. I think they need to reconnect with their Christianity and really focus on being sincere with people outside of the church and the audience. Sadly, It's all a big show.
From what I hear the sports department is great...but personally for me, if I had kids I don't think I'd let them play for a church that represents themselves as being fake! Not a fan