lennies is like a smaller version of the big carrot. it is much smaller mind you, but it has staff thats very informative - not necessarily too cheery - i was dealing with a pregnant lady who seemed mildly bothered by everything, but hey she was pregnant so...
i spent some time talking to them about the differences between health bars - the quick energy bars you get, etc. about soaps, moisturizers and shampoos that i could use at the y for after swimming and they showed me a few different options and seemed to know about each one.
they have bottles for bikers, grains and seeds and grains and seeds for cereal lovers? lots of organic spices and bulk items reside on their shelves and lots of products youd never know about at your local grocer - including healthier chips - even down to the bags they come in.
it seems to be in a perfect spot in the neighbourhood, right at carlton and parliament, a major thoroughfare, which makes it really convenient for a stopover while on the carlton streetcar.