im not big on horror at all whatsoever and i havent event seen the hostel movies in their entireties, but i had a really great time going down to the goretorium with a group of friends! we got the locals discount which was a huge plus because i had heard the tickets were like, 60 bucks beforehand which is too expensive for anything in my opinion... the downstairs area was really cool and the stuff in their giftshop was fun to look at.
going up the stairs to the actual haunted house part there were tvs playing news clips and a guy gave us a schpeil about the history of the place which was funny... but after that i started to get freaked out cuhz theres an elevator gag and im scared as shit at elevators... going thru the rest of the place there were some other cool things though! so after i got over my initial fear i had a really good time... the actors kind of make you a part of their acts if you seem like easy prey... this girl in her underwear said she would rip my friends face off lmao
once you get out of the haunt the lounge was actually kind of mellow in comparison to the attraction which was a nice change so i could actually breathe... the weather was great, the view was nice and the girls dressed as "babydolls" were super pretty and the makeup was bitchin lolz i didnt have a drink there in the lounge, but i had one of the slushies downstairs... and for all 9 dollars of it, it was worth it! it was REALLY strong lmao
ide go back again even though im not big on scary things... i kind of wished i had gone for halloween... i can only imagine that everything wouldve been super amped up to complete sensory overload lolz i had a great time!