| - This review was originally written on Google Reviews but for some reason it's not showing publicly. So this is a copy/paste of that review.
Had one of the worst customer service experiences at this store.
This happened on April 13, 2018 and I had to wait this long because whenever I think about this store, I just become angry all over again.
On April 13, 2018, I went into the store with the intention of purchasing a hair clipper for my two dogs. I had been coming to this store since I moved to Las Vegas back in 2011. So I go in there around 11:00 AM and walk around to try and find the dog clippers. I found them towards the right side of the store by the vet area. I waited around 10 minutes or so and no one even passed by to help. While waiting, I go ahead and pull up the website and what I saw was kind of annoying.
The clippers in the store were being advertised as being 25 dollars off Andis brand clippers. So in store price off the clippers I wanted was 174.99 (original 199.99). However on the website, it was being listed for 159.95. The 4FC clip in store was 41.99 and online was 27.57. So I thought, ok that it was weird. So after waiting the 10 minutes or so, I go to the front where the cashier is alone and I ask for help with the clippers. I see her pull the mic to her mouth and ask for a manager. She said someone will be right there with me. After about 30mintues of waiting (I had taken pictures of the price tags in store after waiting a bit which was timestamped 11:22am) no one came still. Around 11:45am I went back to the front and asked the cashier up front what happened to a manager.
Her response was "I just got here." Ok, great, not what I asked for. So I then said I wanted a manager. Wow, once someone is angry enough a manager magically appeared within 10 seconds. I told her that I had been waiting a long time and still wasn't helped. I also spoke up about the price difference. The cashier replied "Oh well, the prices are different online." So I replied with "So if I never cheked, I'd be getting ripped off? What's the point in advertising that 25 off Andis clipper in store with the online price being even lower then that? The manager offered to get my clippers and kept apologizing the whole time. I don't want that, I wanted my clippers. She "graciously" gave me 10 off my total after I had bought the clippers and the 4FC blade.
Now that I'm typing this up, I'm angry that I still decided to do business with this store and company. I wish I could just return this but I have used it already (the andis clipper is fantastic).
I later typed up an email to petsmart customer service and I was told I would get contacted by someone within 48 hours. Nope. I got contacted by the store manager, Matt, about 6 days later. When I called back, I had to go through the automated phone system and then go through another employee. He offered his apology (like that would magically make it okay?) and then said that my experience would be used for training. Well, good for you, I was still very much inconvenienced. I told him that I would never shop there again even after having been going there the past 7 years. I told him with the time I wasted and the way I was treated, I'd rather just shop on Amazon where I can do it from my own home without having wasted my time waiting.
Did I also mention the one worker who I saw go into the dog training area they have and just sit there? I swear she saw me standing there staring at her then I feel as if she pretended not to see me and just ignored I was even there.
5/3/2018 When writing this review, I decided to grab screenshots of the website showing the price online. The 4FC is now a bit cheaper.