We are from out of town and wanted to watch THE game. Well, the hostess said that we are third in line and she said we could look at the bar which we did. I noticed a table that was attached to a four top that wasn't being used and I asked the gentleman at the four top if we could use it and they said yes. So I went back to the hostess to tell her about the two top and she said that we would have to put our name in. I said of course which we did. I went to look around the other side and eventually went back to the two top. Ian, the manager, came up to me and said that we could not have have that two top table and I asked why. His quote was, "I don't want you to have it because it was part of the four top." I mentioned to the manager that the gentleman at the four top said they were not using it and the manager, Ian, said that he was not going to give it to us. I went back to the hostess and asked why we could not have the table and why they were not sitting people there. I told the hostess that the manager was a jackass for not wanting us to let us sit at the two top since it wasn't being used. Poor business practice; terrible. I was honest and upfront; they said they would not serve us and asked us to leave. I'm sorry but there were two open tables that were not being used. I still stand by what I said and you sir are a jackass. Supposedly that is using profanity as well. Never will I set foot in that place or any other winking lizard establishment.