My favorite gym in Vegas. They have the steam room and sauna rooms. I love that. Memberships are very reasonable and they work with you I'm any way that you need besides not allowing people without a nv id to come to gym with guest pass, I think that should be changed because I brought my best friend to the gym with me who has a az Id now cause she lives there but in the end we still would of bought a smoothie from the juice bar, rented towels, locker so you are still making profit.. But since they couldn't sign her up she couldn't come. I did t understand it was late at night no one was there..only complaint oh and the don't enforce the rules enough WOMEN NEED TO STOP WEARING CLOTHES IN STEAM N SAUNA. BATHING SUIT AND SANDALS. NOT SOCKS NOT TENNIS SHOES NOT YOUR STANK WORK OUT CLOTHES, IT CLEARLY SAYS BATHING SUIT! Most saunas you are naked.. So you are lucky you can even wear a bathing suit so save us all the trouble and wear your bikini. GOOGLE BENEFITS ON SAUNA AND STEAM USE... AND STOP BRINGING YOUR CELL PHONE In there!! LVAC NEEDS TO ENFORCE THIS those ppl that clean around there are all wives and moms I know they can tell someone to kindly get out and bring bathing suit next time or take your phone out. Please for THE FAITH OF HUMANITY! It's the gym.... Time to relax people.. :)