If you've been to the Tempe campus and transferred to ASU West. I guarantee you will love it!
Parking- less expensive and way closer to campus. Lot 59 anyone? I don't think so. Lot 20 for me please. AND solar panels building up. Woot woot!
Class size- smaller and you don't have to deal with the frats/sororities hype as much-not that they don't exist at West. PHEW! No, I'm not hating...it is just my preference. (I hope my frat friends aren't reading this.) Most of the professor I met at West seem to genuinely care more about their students. Maybe due to smaller population of students? Whatever it is, I like it.
Population- I love the fact that I don't have to be on the look out for distraught students on their bicycle rushing to the next class and run me over (happened to someone I know), or being stomped on because I'm a shortie, or getting hit by skateboards. Something always hold me back from stepping out of classrooms or lecture halls at tempe for fear that someone or something might run me over.
Communication: With a smaller population come better and effective communication between students and services at West. I don't ever remember getting transferred around when calling the West campus. Tempe on the other hand was a disaster. You're paying big bucks to go to school at least give you some decent service right?
One thing I'd like to know about West is...what is that strange noise that I often hear when I'm at Fletcher?
If you like a quiet campus with a smaller population-= more services for you- then West is the place. If not, stay at Tempe campus because I like the small population at West.