My son is deathly afraid of this place after coming for 1.5 years. I started him in the baby swim at 3 months old. He was doing great but couldn't advance to the next level because he couldn't walk yet. They don't tell you that you'll be repeating the exact same lesson until they can walk. By the time he was walking he was bored of the first level since he had been doing it for over a year. After dealing with him now screaming in classes, I switched him to private lessons. The front desk is unorganized and the employees seemed to always change. Every time my son got used to a new teacher they would switch him to another one. I have spent over $2000 and 1.5 years on swimming lessons here to have my son not only not afraid to come to lessons but not have a clue how to swim. I think that they should make people more aware of how the baby swim progresses.