| - A complete rip-off. They won't give you a ballpark figure over the phone. They send out a "salesman" with the plumber, in my case, an Englishman named Mike. I am thinking that to replace the water heater it was going to be the price of the water heater plus two hours labor, maybe $800. To my dismay, the price was $1599. Mike claimed that permits needed to be pulled, the flex hoses needed replaced, and the water heater needed earthquake straps to meet code. Since this is my underwater rental house and it was 4 pm and 37 degrees outside, I was in a bind, and needed to replace it asap for the tenants. I asked for a military discount and Mike said he would give me 5% off. I negotiated further and ended up paying $1381. The water heater was replaced in less than 2 hours and no permits were ever pulled. YES plumbing only uses Bradford White heaters and no doubt gets them for a low price. They more than likely paid around $400 for the water heater. That means that they charged me $981, or $491.50 an hour, to install the water heater. BEWARE! Shop around, because if they take advantage of a person in a military uniform, they will take advantage of you.