I'm not sure how come there are so many 5 star reviews. After all, I went there not only because it was $20, but for the glowing reviews.
Just a heads up for anyone how is a germaphob like me.
They use the SAME pillow you lay your head on, then use it to elevate your feet.
The client after had put their head on my exact same pillow. gross!!!
My Massage was ok, but most of the time, it was extremely uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, it's $20 and I love that part, but massaging my butt more than 5x's, I felt was not necessary.
Women, Wear Shorts or Pants. They do cover you w/ the SAME blanket everyone is using. Just Gross. I could not wait to go home (hotel) to shower.
Good Luck your $20 massage.