Where do i begin? The walls, roof, everything is so thin. If someone is talking outside in the parking lot, not yelling.. but just talking, you can hear every word. The neighbors upstairs literally shake the things on my tables with their walking.
The parking situation, if your visitors dont come over during the week between 9-5 (while everyone is at work), forget about parking. I have never seen a worse parking situation. The enforcement of residents who have multiple vehicles using the visitor parking spaces and not paying for an extra covered space is non existent.
Paint, so this complex has repainted all the buildings.. with a fresh color. Including the stairway railings. Well that would all be fine and dandy if the pant didn't come off and start chipping and peeling literally ONE WEEK after they painted. For the amount that i pay for rent you would think they could afford some more durable outside paint.
People do not pick up after their pets. Although i understand this is hard to enforce since the apartment complex cant watch everyone bring out their pets and make sure they pick up after themselves. I just have notice a lot of dog poop along the walk ways, in the rocks. In front of corridors so everytime i walk out to my vehicle i have to smell dog poop.
You know living in apartments has its luxury because if you arent home for a package delivery... usually the carrier conveniently leaves it SECURE in the front office. Not here.. If you were to see the room that they keep delivered packages.. ITS A MESS!!! with ZERO!!!! organization. Dont wife any of these women that work here, imagine what their houses look like. Not to mention they have lost my package... Went to go pick my package up after the tracking says "delivered to front office", and the girl just says "sorry we cant find it". Ok.... well.. THAT IS NOT OK!!!
Next thing.. There was a raid by FBI SWAT a few months back to nab a connected ISIS supporter. heres the article. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/southwest-valley/breaking/2015/08/28/avondale-man-indicted-ties-isis/71320860/ , way to do your background checking mirabella.