To the young female Asian sales associate. Your tone and attitude needs a huge dose of a reality check.
My daughter and I were greeted upon entering by an unfriendly voice. I scanned the room to see three sales associates clumped together, two with their heads in their phones and the Asian female looking straight at me as if I took the last serving of rice at the family dinner that was meant for her. Between the three of them and tone coming from where they were, i figured it was her. Hey, I'm Asian so when I say she looked at me like i stole her rice serving, it's like she wanted nothing to do with us. It's like we inconvenienced her by walking in and she was better off doing nothing. YOU ARE A SALES ASSOCIATE THAT MAKES SALES OFF OF THE PRODUCTS AND THE CUSTOMER SERVICE PROVIDED. YOU MUST BE FORGOT. She misses the memo. We walked around for a little and left. It was too much of the high end judgemental stigma this place gives off and gives off well. Too bad, I wanted to pick up two Oran sandals... but off the Bellagio I went.