I had to board 3 dogs when moving from Cali to AZ because my home wasnt ready and I chose preppy pet because I saw their website and called and spoke with the staff, they impressed me even from 750 miles away. They were very caring and informative. I initially asked for 7 day boarding but ended up having to extend to 14 days. It hurt me not having my babies but I visited with them often and when I did I was always greeted with happiness and never irritation for just showing up. Sometimes I tried calling ahead. I got to play with them as long as I wanted and they were very well cared for. We are now home and they are well adjusted. They were very happy to go home but I can tell they were well cared for because they didn't show any signs of neglect. They ate well, had great temperament and were very energetic. I just wish I could remember all the names of the great staff I met and that helped me. Shatter, Sugar, and Bear will be forever grateful for the wonderful care as will my family and I.