Have you ever dreamed about being Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast?
Nose stuck in a book?
Annoying piece of hair that keeps falling in front of your face?
Check, check, and double check!
Well, Book Gallery is probably one of the closest, and I might I add more reasonably priced, experiences someone can have to becoming the nerdiest of all the fictional princesses. I'm not exactly sure what the store's policy is on musical numbers and/or rolling around on their ladders, so perhaps it might be best to hold off on ALL the elation if you can. Though, I highly doubt anyone would blame you if you couldn't contain your excitement.
The store is multiple levels and there are an endless amount of categories to explore from "true crime" to "whaling" to "cooking" and "cats"! I'm positive you can even find a section on "pirates".
So get lost exploring far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, people in disguise and if you are lucky you might just step on a creaky floorboard in the mystery section or find a rare treasure hiding in the glorious maze of books.