Yesterday (9/1) bought 5 gallon water bottles & decided to fill water at the water dispenser in the back of the store. However, what a huge mistake that was! The water drip into the bottle at a ridiculous pace. One minute in I decided to set the timer to see how long it would take to fill the 5 gallon bottle. After 11 minutes, sent hubby shopping while I waited for the bottle to fill. He came back several times and it seemed like the bottle hardly filled any more than when he left. Finally at 27 minutes and the bottle was only 3/4 filled, we decided to stop and ask the cashier to charge us for a full bottle.
Walmart needs to either fix this machine or get rid of it. It was apparent that others were not as patient as we were because there were nearly a dozen one gallon bottles that other customers were trying to fill and gave up!
We went to an outside water dispensing location and was able to fill our second bottle in a minute and a half!