As usual, I tag along with my wife who has a sweet tooth. We just happen to be in the area so an obligatory stop was inevitable.
As you come in you see that everything is there in front of you in a wide glass case. You can see that everything is labeled along with the price. I like the fact that the nice lady behind the counter was very polite in answering all our questions.
With so much eye candy (pun intended), you can literally just close your eyes and point in any direction. What we or should I say the wifey ended up getting was a Waffle Basket ($3.49) and Cappuccino Mouse Cup ($3.49). We also was given a sample of their Napoleon which we almost got but I convinced my wife not to go overboard.
So we pay and as we start making our way out, we see that on the backwall there is a boatload of assortments of Baklava. I quickly take my wife by the hand and calmly say in a Barry White type of sexy voice, "Next time baby".
The taste? Well, originally we were gonna bring it home and share with other family members. Let's just say this trip to Manan never happened. Oh, that reminds me. As soon as this review is done, I need to go clean up the powdered sugar from the Napoleon off the dashboard. Hopefully none of my family members are reading this review as well. Hi mom! Love you!
In closing, it doesnt help that this place is literally a block away from our church that we go to all the time. I guess as long as im there to keep an eye on my wifey, we should be ok. Also make sure to take advantage of the 10 dollars for 5 deal.
Yelp 2014 365 Review Challenge #115 "Keep calm and make sure to brush your teeth"