Reading these reviews has been fun. Apparently there are a fair number of people (most likely snowbirds) who purposely choose to go to a Spring Training game at Salt River Fields so they can complain about the "hot sun and terrible food". And THEN they really show off their distaste for something that absolutely nobody forced them into doing by writing a negative Yelp review about it! Wow!
So to them (laughing in their faces) here's what I love about Salt River Fields ... laying in the sun on the soft grass so close to the action you can hear the players' breathe. For god's sake people, don't you know there are people dying in Minnesota in March in 90' snow? How can you not like ANYTHING about the sun in Phoenix in March?
And the other thing I like is the food! Not only is it decent food, its GREAT food. I bought a burger at the place near the scoreboard (run by Ovations) called the Mile High Burger, expecting total crap at the $6 selling price. It was awesome! Ridiculously high. Huge thick freshly flame broiled patty of juicy meat. Lettuce, tomato, onion ... people were openly drooling on the sidewalk when they saw me walk by with it. My arm got tired carrying the sucker. My friends missed an entire inning while they longingly watched me scarf down one of the best looking burgers in Planet Phoenix. While not McDonalds cheap, the concession prices for food, beer and sodas is pretty decent compared to most similar venues and they don't skimp on quality or quantity.
And oh yeah ... free sunblock!