Seems this place goes up and down with it's reviews. I would say the next two recent are more in line w my experience. Forget story telling, how about some bullet points:
-Floor was filthy. Nothing else about this place really looks clean either.
-One lady waited on the entire restaurant. Talk about short staffed.
-Server was fairly rude. I don't mean 'not nice', I mean condescending, unhelpful, generally void of any hospitable qualities.
-It's hard to mess up breakfast food, so it was average. Potatoes were plain, sausage tasted funny, maybe it had been frozen? Eggs were eggs. Buttered toast was buttered toast.
-Room temperature liquid creamer packets. Ketchup in a plastic bottle that tasted and looked unusual.
My GF decided to just wait in the car after she sat down and got a look at the place. She's a germ-a-phoebe. Me? I'll eat half of a weird tasting sausage patty and like it the best I can.
Probably a more appropriate place to come drunk. And it is cheap..