Pretty much ditto to all the stellar things my fellow Yelpers mentioned in their reviews.
It's a small windowfront shop located inside Providence Plaza, at the corner of Providence & Sharon, with a lot of heart. As soon as I walked in I was just really impressed with the warm atmosphere. This is a family-owned business alright - even the cute little baby was at the shop (doing quality control, I imagine). The selection of truffles, bars, and other goodies (cake in a jar? cake in a jar!) is enough to send any chocoholic into a frenzy but that's not what happened to me on this visit. I just took in the whole scene in an almost Willy Wonka-esque appreciation.
I settled for a bag of chocolate-covered marshmallows, a seasonal blend box of truffles, a brownie bite, and a pat on the shoulder for not making the content of the bag disappear on the drive home.
I plan on returning many times in the near and not so near future to pick up more goodies to delight my friends and family with.