I recently had my first colonic at Healing Waters. I always thought it would be beneficial for my health, but felt too embarrassed and concerned about discomfort to go. As it turns out, I didn't need to be concerned at all. My certified therapist, Tiffany, was very nice and extremely professional. The atmosphere was relaxing and induced a feeling of calm. The procedure was explained at length before I began, and I was checked on often. At one point I experienced slight nausea. Tiffany provided aromatherapy in the form of peppermint oil to inhale, helping immensely. I am relieved to have some of the accumulated waste removed from my body, and plan on another two appointments (one already scheduled) to assist with an even deeper cleaning. For a colon detox in an environment that will make you feel very comfortable in all aspects of the procedure, go to Healing Waters. It is definitely the only place I will go after such top notch treatment.