| - One of the few chain restaurants that I particularly enjoy, even in a town synonymous with all-you-can-eat breakfast buffets offered up at low prices. I know, I know. It doesn't make a lot of sense to leave the strip for a chain restaurant breakfast. There is just something about their pancakes and blueberry syrup that I find unavoidable though.
Upon arriving, we saw the line out the door. Good grief, why aren't people having breakfast at their hotel, I think with no sense of irony? Amazingly though, the line moves fast. In less than 10 minutes, everyone was seated. This is rather impressive considering just how small this particular IHOP is. Indeed, the booths are a bit cramped in an effort to maximize the available seating. The kitchen and wait staff do a remarkable job handling the constant volume though. Every single special request (my girlfriend's parents are kind of picky) was met with ease and a smile. We had all of our food in a timely manner, and we were never in want for a refill. I was pretty happy. The food of course is consistent with IHOPs everywhere, if not a touch better than some of them. Definitely a good spot. The only drawbacks beyond the tight seating was the lack of a good view out of the windows and the tight parking situation outside -- a testament to the premium placed on real estate in these parts. Other than that, I would be hard pressed to say anything negative. Recommend.
3.5 stars