| - Dirty, disorganized, rude.
When I got my "shmearfuls," one was cold, one was tepid, one was frozen solid. When I handed it to the girl behind the counter, she grabbed it from me, no apology, threw it out, and yelled at no one in particular for its replacement.
I waited and watched as no one, in particular, did nothing, in particular, and finally spoke up.
"So, you wanted them toasted?"
"I wanted them not frozen; it was frozen."
"So, how did you want it?"
"Whatever the default is that is NOT frozen. I just do not want it frozen, please."
This is when she grabbed three of the little bagels, toasted them up goooood and toasty and gave them to me. "Here you go, I gave you three. Sorry about that."
"Thanks, that's ok."
No, it was not ok. Why do I say that? As I was waiting, I watched them screw up other orders. That place is not ok. Get better staff, or train the team, get more staff. Do something.