Aww. These reviews are upsetting me!
On my last trip to vegas i randomly stumbled upon this in my hungover state on the way to Rehab, but the girls I was with didn't want to go.
Since then I've been dying to go and relive the experience I had at the Hofbrauhaus in Munchen last summer but I'm not too sure about it after reading the reviews!! In Germany, even though the conversion rate from dollar to euro is crap, our meal was still inexpensive. I'm a vegetarian so I ordered the mushroom soup. Which probably had chicken broth in it, but eh, what you don't know won't hurt you and I was starving. And in Germany. Not many options for a strict vegetarian anyway. it was delicious and pretzels were..hmm. about 1.50 euro if my memory serves me correctly?? So with last year's conversion rate of $1.35 = 1 euro, it would have been under $3 for one pretzel!
Paying $13 for one pretzel is going to be a bummer...maybe I won't check this out when i head to vegas on Monday, maybe I'll let it wait for when we go in August...