I'd probably need to come back to thoroughly do this place any justice. Likewise, I'd probably need to drink a little more as well (because I'm not a drinker).
All that aside, Sidebar seems to strive to be quaint while still retaining that uber hip chic. I think it accomplishes this pretty well.
People were pretty conscious about how they looked and how close you sat to them. It's hard to maintain personal space and a circle of comfort when the place is packed and there isn't much seating to begin with. I guess that's quaint.
Plus one for the dim lighting, I love that. The photography on the walls was decent enough to catch my attention and not just blend into the clutter.
We had two drinks, a cenphopholitan and some type of caucasian with root beer vodka. The caucasian was stronger and got the nod from my wife and I.
I'll probably come back.
Postscript: Parking kind of sucks when it's busy.