There's a big sign saying Hand Crafted Coffees on a sandwich board over the Bakery/Coffee (and Teas) area. Now, doesn't the genteel phrase "hand crafted" mean to you roasting awesome coffee in batches made to your personal specifications? Isn't it a place for bean-savvy sophistication? Or, at the very least they'll make your coffee the way you'd like to drink it? Let me say that my "Carl's Jnr" coffee from Phoenix the previous day was better, cheaper and served by a happier, friendlier employee glad to see us in her store.
I was not asked my choice of milk. The very skinny and very tall female employee gave me two percent Shamrock milk. I noticed it wasn't my usual so asked for skim. Her response was to toss out the coffee from the paper cup and refill the same cup with coffee and skim milk.
Were I not concerned for the environment, I might have asked her for a clean cup, too. I don't want fattier milk and her chucking things around is certainly no Fine Food and "hand-crafted" experience. It showed reflection of attitude to this customer's very simple request.
I was too afraid to speak for I thought I'd darken her day further and that she might end up screaming at me. I have no idea what personal calamity she had experienced prior to me ordering my coffee but she looked angry, miserable and I must add has been unfriendly every other time I've purchased something at the bakery and tea/coffee department there.
It's at least three different times that I've had a bland coffee at this purveyor of fine foods and several made with this female employee so I feel it's fair to suggest to Yelpers to go to the nearby "Barnes & Noble." You will have a happier day and most certainly a better coffee experience. I'll add that I'm very surprised others who take coffee haven't complained about the staff. The older woman who didn't serve me on this occasion looked unhappy as well. I'd walked past the open staff room on the way to the restrooms. There's a sign there stating "Effort not Excuses". Perhaps this should be brought to the attention of this section's staff?
I'll finish on a positive note in saying that other staff from other areas don't give out such negative vibes and actually offer to help you when you're walking past.