I will say that the jokers working in the bakeries of Smith's, Von's, Albertson's, etc need to get their act together because I will probably never buy a baked good at a grocery store again when this bakery is a few blocks down the road. I have tried many a delicious baked goods here and all are fantastic.
Lets start with what matters most..the macaroons. Crazy hard to make and so easy to eat- these are some of the best in Vegas hands down. Whole foods can go take it's cute little macaroon display all the way back to the sodosopa district in south park because we don't need any of that hipster imitation nonsense here. I would say only Robuchon had better macaroons and those cost 500 dorra so...
The quiches are great- very creamy and flavorful. Obviously the loraine is the best because the bacon is clutch.
Croissants super flakey and buttery as they should be- even ones Gordon could be proud of from his days getting tooled training in Paris.
Ive had many other baked goods and they all are on point. If you want a fairly cheap and delicious breakfast this is the place.