This is my husband's favorite dog park. I've noticed that every dog park has the same thing:
1. Owners who talk with other people and don't pay attention to their dog and their dog ooops or growls or nips at another dog and they are too busy socializing to pay attention to their dog and do something about it.
2. Dog poop - why? See above. Owners are socializing.
I've decided I will never make friends at a dog park and I'm okay with that.
So my last two visits here weren't so great. One time there was a Frenchie meetup and a large group of dog owners. Most were cool but one had a little boy who threw dirt on all dogs, people, and kids around him. He threw dirt on me and on a toddler and I saw various adults scolding him and he continued. His parents were MIA and nobody had any clue who he belonged to. Then he threw dirt in a boy's mouth. Seriously people need to watch their children. When the parents found out they took the boy away but still did not watch him.
The last visit here a watched a woman and a man with 2 pugs walk in with heads down and walk towards a bench. They were talking and their dog was behind a tree pooping. I watched it go down, they walked to their bench, poured some water, and sat down and talked. I went to let them know very politely and she defensively argued that she did pick up after her dog. This was clearly a lie because I watched it happen and no she did not. It would be nice if people were responsible citizens but I guess that's asking too much. This lady was very rude and entitled, why should she not have to follow rules?
Luckily I've had to tell owners 3 other times their dog pooped and they thanked me, asked me where, and took responsibility. I'm glad there are some people who are responsible dog owners, not all are entitled.
No I'm not a dog police but I have a right to enjoy a park with my dog without stepping on poop. People really need to learn kindness.