I have never in my life left the doctors office crying until I entered legacy urgent care. I went there for severe back pain. My first visit I was given medication, X-ray was done and had to get a MRI done. Three days after my first visit I went back in because the medication wasn't working.. When I was asked what was wrong I would begin to explain and would be interrupted every time. I was not given the chance to finish. The doctor gave me stronger meds and sent me on my way. After I went for my MRI I went back into get my results. The doctor explained to me that in the MRI there was nothing really serious and that I should be alright. When I was asked if I was ready to go back to work I informed the doctor that I was still feeling pain. This is when I felt the Jekyll and Hyde situation happened. He went from happy to pissed and 1.5 seconds. He began to yell at me telling me I didn't want to go back to work and he refused to fill out any FMLA papers that I needed to hand into work. He filled out a form for me to get blood work done and told me that my job was in jeopardy and walked out of the room. Oh I should add he also got in my face while talking with a loud voice. I really didn't want to go back there but I was unsure if another doctor would release me for work if they didn't treat me. I went back to get my blood results and to see if he was willing to release me for work. My blood work came back and it showed that I had inflammation I don't know about you but I pretty much think that indicates I'm in pain. The doctor did a 360 and was once again kind. This time he did fill out my FMLA papers and I left there with the intentions of never going back. I did end up going to another doctor that a friend had recommended and brought my MRI results with me. The new doctor also did x-rays and discovered there was a problem. I am now on my way to getting therapy and proper medication. I rarely write reviews good or bad however this time I felt the need to inform anyone who has intentions on going to this location. I know the others have really good reviews and I'm sure their encounter with the doctor went well. Mine did in the beginning too. If you want to go to a doctor who never gives you A chance to explain what is going on with you then by all means this is a doctor for you I wish you luck.