I called to make an appointment for an eye exam and a visual field test and was given an appointment time that was mutually convenient. I called the day before and confirmed the appointment and the services to be provided. I showed up for the appointment and was taken back in about 10 minutes. The exam went fine and when I asked for the visual field test that I also specified at the time I made the appointment, when I confirmed the appointment and when I arrived for the appointment, I was told by Dr Michael Crutchfield that he would not do the visual field test until I provided my past print outs. This was not told to me at any of the previous contacts. I emailed the printouts to the office and asked in the email that someone call me to schedule my visual field test. After waiting for 2 business days, I called and I was told that they would not do it because they didn't know if my insurance covered it and they were not preferred providers for my insurance. This is not the way anyone wants to be treated.