A few of us just went to Escobar's again, and it was awsome! However, the waiter was indifferent, but the food great.
These are my wishes for any restaurant:
1) A good waitstaff. Notice I didn't say GREAT...because I don't believe they exist anymore. However, this was met.
2) I want my water full. I rarely order drinks at restaurants, but I do want my water to be kept full at all times. This too was met.
3) I want the food to be at least as good as I could make at home. It's common sense, but I hate paying $20.00 for a plate of something that I could have made better for $5.00.
4) I want to leave feeling that I got my money's worth.
I found all of these things at Escobars. The food was great, I had NO complaints.