| - After reading all the reviews of this place, I finally went to check it out.
I think that a lot of the reviews hype this place up a bit too much, either that or a lot of these people have never really had NY style pizza IN New York.
That said, it's good, especially for NY style pizza, outside of NY. However, it's far from great, and it's on par for other Vegas pizza joints.
The crust was far too crunchy, rather that that perfect crust for the fold it in half true NY pizza experience, I think if I had folded it in half it probably would've just snapped. The cheese and grease level were perfect however. The slices are HUGE, which they should be for $4.50 for plain cheese.
Definitely a great find, and good pizza, but if you're from NY, like me, don't go in expecting the best pizza you've ever had and you'll certainly have a much better experience.