Went in for what I thought was an annual physical (wellness). Besides the nurse taking my blood pressure and heart reading, nothing else was done. Oh, the doctor did listen to my heart. He said I would need blood work done and then asked if there was any concerns. Surprisingly, I asked if that was it and told him I'd like for him to look at my skin as this has traditional been done at previous doctor's as a preventative procedure. The doctor said he would refer me to a dermatologist and sent me on my way. After the blood work was completed, I returned to get the results. I was charged an office visit for him to read the piece of paper he gave me. I then received a bill for both visits. The kicker is that because the doctor asked if I had any concerns, they charged me for an office visit. As I mentioned before, every other time I've gone to a doctor for a preventive visit, they did a thorough visit and examined skin for any unusual moles. Lesson learned. My family won't be going to this office anymore.