I injured my ankle on May 15 2009 , I was told that it was a sprain. But after three months I STILL could not walk properly. Because it was a work injury , I had to see Concentra who instead of referring me to physical therapy- assigned me to a Pain Management specialisthree months later. He referred me to go see Dr. Raissi.
I was so excited, thinking "FiNALLY" someone will help me with my ankle.
I got to the office and they took more x-rays. I waited approximately 2 hours in the office. I was getting frustrated but when his nurse came he was awesome , he looked at the x-ray and said "Wow- no wonder you are having pain you broke the tip of your tibia off.
YIKES! I thought but I also thought "YES! I am not crazy no wonder I still can't walk without crutches or a cane"
He left the room and the doctor came in. He NEVER looked at the X-Ray - but came in reading the report from Concentra that said that I had an ankle sprain.
He immediately said - "It is a sprain there is NOTHING I can do for you"
My boyfriend and I both just looked at him in shock ... like "are you serious????"
He got indignant when I looked shock and said "Do you not think it is a sprain?"
I said "NO I do NOT think it is a sprain"
He reasoned that sprains take time to heal and yada yada yada.
Me I had a jackhammer going off in my brain because I couldn't listen any more.. Now I am thinking what a jerk! He didn't even bother talking to me or looking at the films of my foot.
We started walking out since he ... dismissed us.
and the nurse said " Hey guys will we be seeing you next week?"
I said "NO" and he did a double take... "What?!"
I looked and told him "He says it isn't broken"
He looked at me again and shook his head .. yeah he knew he was an a$$hat too.
I would have given them a half star but the nurse was like 10 stars by himself.
the doctor isn't even worth a star.
Take your health into your own hands and Don't see this guy!!!!