Kind of like a Goodwill store but not. We came in and felt depressed being here. They have sales each day, such as one on Monday for specific items then something different on Tuesday. I didn't notice a smell that others have mentioned.
I wound up going to the restroom. The men's stall's door lock is broken so after a few minutes of trying to get it catch and stay shut I gave up and sat down to do business. It was then that a noticed the rest of the restroom reminded me of the first Saw movie...without the excrement all over, without anybody in there, without the bright lights, etc. Just had that feeling. The impending doom of someone walking in when the lock to the stall was broken had me on high alert so I got out of there as soon as I could, but first had to wash my hands...only to find a lack of paper towels.
I came back out and my fiance, who is into finding clothes at Goodwill Saturday sales, wanted to get out of there fast. This place was just sad. If you've ever seen Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion it definitely reminded me of when one of the girls went to try and find a job at that thrift store (the one where a lady walked by looking at shoes, and where a baby was crying).