| - Eh, they were just "ok." Nothing extraordinary. As an educator myself, interactions with students is key. Not once was I ever greeted when I walked in, in the entire 2 weeks I attended this course. They're just not super friendly or welcoming. They're fun with each other, but really don't seem too interested in students. Very underwhelming atmosphere, so I minded my own business and kept to myself. When my final exam was graded (I passed), the gentleman at the front desk hands me my results and says in a monotone voice "you passed." I expected a "great job!" or "congratulations!" or something of the sort, again that's what I do to my students but maybe that's not everyone's standard. He confirmed the spelling of my last name, then came out with my certificate and STILL spelled my last name wrong. When I told him, his response was "k." Not "oops, sorry about that! I'll fix it real quick." Just "k." I didn't even get a full "ok," just a "k." He comes back with the corrected cert and says "here." Aaaaand that was that. So strange to me. I'd love to say this was a one time circumstance, but they really just weren't that friendly and I'm big on customer service and really appreciate that aspect of dealing with the public. I bought an extra membership to an online study site (not related to the school) and studied my butt off for 2 weeks and passed - had I not used extra tools there's no way I would've made it. Although, there is a lot of info to learn and this was just my preference to get extra help. Just my 2 cents.