Really great place to study, have coffee, and/or buy a homemade bite to eat! The blueberry muffins are some of the best I've had in Madison and they are baked right on the premises. They also make soup, but get there before 1p or it might be all gone as it's a popular lunch menu item. The staff always makes me feel welcome and they are quick to offer drink suggestions if I stare at the menu too long :)
Every Monday night from 5-7p they have Open Mic and drinks are 1/2 price from 5-6p (for what they've dubbed the "happiest hour on Earth"). The music is always good, but $1.75 beers make it sound even better :) And now that the weather is nice, you can use their awesome back patio!
They are open everyday 7a-7p, so be sure to hit them up!