It's a dollar store so not much to expect but some quality people watching. The product selection is so-so with generic brands of most of your favorite snacks, cleaning products, ect. While browsing the snack aisle I can not help but hear a mother yelling obnoxiously for her son repeatably as if they were at their own house and not in a public location. Very annoying. Once the boy, I'd say who is about 4 or 5 yrs old, comes out of hiding he is waddling down the aisle to confront his mother where she asked "what is wrong? Did you poop your pants?" Yes the boy confesses. "Well guess you learned a lesson, I'll clean you up when we leave" and continues to shop with the boy waddling behind. I purchase my stuff and take off. As I'm driving out of the parking lot I notice the lady and her son now outside of the store with his pants dropped bent over and her wiping his bum right there in front of the store! Have you no shame?! Since this last experience I have decided that an extra dollar or so an item is definitely worth not having to view such trash like this.