I've been hesitating to write a review for this restaurant. I have mixed feelings about it.
Yes the fish is fresh like everyone said. But at this price range, you expect it to be.
Yes everything was nicely presented but honestly, I can't remembered what they tasted like or looked like.
Yes I enjoyed the way the menu was presented. Tasting menus are fun because they separate the dishes and put them on little plates so you eat them one by one as opposed to having everything on one big plate. This way, you eat in the order that the chef has specifically prepared. However, nothing WOWed me.
The price tag was hefty at $130 pp and it just left me wanting a little more from the experience. STILL, if you are an avid sushi / sashimi lover, then this is still a must try restaurant. However, if you are happy with your AYCE places, then this place won't really wow you.