I'm writing this review based off something I witnessed a little over a month ago. We were driving home at about 1:30pm (I was in the passenger seat) on the 101 EB approaching 64th st. when I saw a Phoenix PD suburban flying at about 95mph in between cars. Everyone else was going the speed limit and the officer did not have his lights on to indicate there was an emergency. The officer was tail gating people so close that I thought he was trying to intentionally ram cars off the freeway. I know this sounds exaggerated, but I promise you, it's not. I couldn't even believe it myself. The officer was driving so recklessly I actually thought someone stole the police cruiser. Aside from speeding and aggressively tail gating people, he was swerving between lanes at high speeds without the use of a blinker and cutting people off so close that he almost caused an accident. If there's an emergency, please be sure to always turn on your lights so people can move over. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason to drive this recklessly and put innocent people in harms way.