| - I can only base this review on what we saw on our recent visit. We are still in the process of selecting a day care since moving into our new house in green valley.
The two teachers that were in with the kids in our room, he's 14 months, were really nice to us and to our son. He actually seemed to like it here right away. Usually he grabs my leg when I put him down in a new environment, but here he grabbed a toy and started playing. He also loved the outside area and was running around.
I was going to give this review 4 stars since I didn't have too much information, but the extra star comes from the fact that they let our son have one of the hamburgers that they were having for lunch right then. He saw the others eating, and the teachers didn't want him to feel left out.
They lady that gave us the tour seemed to know all the kids names, and even commented a couple of times about the when people were dropping off their kids. She noticed that it was earlier or later than usual, something only someone who cares would notice. She also was telling me that 4-5 of her kids from the infant room were moving up to the toddler room, you could see how much she cared for them and that she would miss them a lot.
This is a bit pricier than my last day care. I think by a little over $50 per week more, but the piece of mind that my son felt comfortable, and the care that the teachers seem to give, makes up for it.
Also, there are no cameras there. That was something I liked about my last day care. Again, only leaving it because of moving to the far side of town. We used the camera viewing in the beginning because it was the first time leaving him, but have tapered off the use since then.