I know. I know... Complaining about Wal-Mart is like griping about how hot it gets in Arizona, but my experiences at this Wal-Mart in particular have been awful. It's always humid at this store. It's as if their A/C is broken or not turned up high enough. Also, their aisles are too narrow. They make it worse by leaving bargain bins and boxes lying about, thus creating bottlenecks with customers that always seem to congregate in these spots. You're constantly standing around waiting on pedestrian traffic, which makes walking from one end of the store to the other a real challenge. It's always very crowded at this store, which makes matters agonizingly worse. So perhaps some of the humidity I always feel here is from the body heat generated within such crowded, confined, narrow aisles. Adding to my frustration are employees that never seem to pay attention to their surroundings. They'll rush around with carts of boxes without yielding to anyone. Ugh! I really need a hard drink after visiting this place.