I went to Wutai Vegetarian Restaurant and would highly recommend it to all my vegetarian friends. They're located on Woodbine Ave, close to Hwy 7 in Markham (near Costco and Tiger Direct). The food was really flavourful and tasted so fresh. The best part for me was that they don't use any onions or garlic (not even spring onions), so you could really taste the other flavours in the food. They don't offer the 'mock meat' stuff like Graceful or Lotus Pond if that's what you're looking for, but there are so many other fantastic options to choose from (check out the lunchtime Dim Sum). My family and I have been going to Graceful Vegetarian Restaurant for years, but as of the last 5 years or so, the food has gotten considerably more 'corn-starchy' and less fresh. Wutai Vegetarian Restaurant is owned by the Buddhist Cham Shan Temple in Peterborough, and all the proceeds go toward developing the site and their meditation retreats etc. Give it a try if you're in the area.