Like OMG this is completely comparable to SoCal boba because as we all know we have to rate things based off of other places in other states in which their is 10x more people and obviously 10x more competition so naturally the chances of finding SoCal boba is near impossible!!111 Like OMG BUT I FOUNDSZZZ IT!
I originally wanted to make this a simple review since this is a small simple establishment, but I get irked by that stuff.
Anyways, Fresh Cup is my new favorite place to get boba when I am in that part of town, I used to go to tea station quite often but outside of their questionable *cough*racist*cough* service at times and decent boba. I have seen the light!
Fresh cup has a smaller selection of items but they make sure they make damn good boba. It's pretty cheap in general, $3.15 for a large smoothie boba, hell yeah. It's a nice relaxing atmosphere and the lines aren't that big nor I have to wait 15 minutes to get my boba. The staff is super friendly, I hope this new establishment sticks around for awhile.
I am a fan. I've been here a few times and I haven't been all, "son i am disappoint" yet, so kudos!